Monday, October 17, 2011

Guys, I saw a monkey

Title got your attention right? I'm gonna tell you this story and trust me, I realize how crazy it sounds. But just to let you know, I was not on any drugs, I did not have a mental breakdown, and my blood sugar was not low. I promise this happened. So you're gonna read it and then tell me what you think.  I have yet to find one person that believes me. 

Okay, on Saturday I was in Corpus with Briana. She was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We are sitting at a light and I look over and see a white Honda Pilot. No big deal right? EXCEPT THERE WAS A MONKEY IN IT!!!! The window was rolled down in the backseat and there was a monkey looking out of the window. I made eye contact!! It was just chillin in the back seat lookin around. I start freaking out telling Briana to look at the monkey but by this point, they went straight and we turned. I realize it's close to Halloween and you could easily say it was a mask. Or a really funny lookin little kid. But it's arm was resting on the window and it was definitely a monkey arm!! Every person I tell this to thinks I've totally lost my mind. But I promise it happened. That image will probably be in my mind forever. It looked exactly like this:

except it wasn't driving. It was in the backseat.

And don't tell me you believe me just to make me feel better. I realize how completely insane it sounds, but it happened!
Other than the whole monkey incident, I had a very relaxing fall break in good ol Rockport. I got to catch up with some people I've been missing and it was much needed!  Probably won't be home till Thanksgiving now!

And I'll get back to the blog challenge eventually. I finally had something interesting happen and I had to let yall know!!

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