Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 8 and a half??

Okay now I'm gonna use this blog for what I originally planned. Outside of my 30 day blog challenge, believe it or not, life is actually happening. One of my goals for this is to get stuff out of my head, but it's also to show people God's love. In my opinion, one of the best way's to show God's love is to love the world around you and to love the life He's given you. So I hope with this blog, you understand that with everything I do, I'm trying my hardest to show God's love to the people of the world.

On that note, I'm getting into my actual point of this blog. In case you didn't know this already, life is hard. And just by my nature, I try to fix it myself. I don't know if you knew this about me, but I kinda have control issues. I like to be in control of everything because I know that if I do it, I'll do like I want. If others do it, there's a chance it won't be done right. So with my faith, it's been a struggle with me to give everything up and out of my control. Last week, I was super overwhelmed. On Tuesday, I was ready to breakdown. I had tons of school work, tests, papers, projects, it was all piling up. So then, one of my good friends knocked some sense of me. I learned that I can't do this alone. I can't do anything alone for that matter. For the longest time, I didn't want to give anything up because I thought no one else could do it like I could. But HELLO!!! It's God for crying out loud. Who else is better for the job?!  So finally, I let go of my pride and now everythings soooo much easier. Now, don't think the point of this is to show off anything of mine cause that's definitely not how I want it to come across. My point is, that whenever you're feeling overwhelmed with your hectic life, take a step back and tell yourself that you can't do it. If you try to do it yourself, you're gonna fail miserably. Just being straight up. You have to give it up to God or you're gonna sink. Not trying to be harsh, because once you get to that point it's amazing. You feel so incredibly free. So I'm pleading with you, just drop everything and cling to Christ. Give it a try some time. :)

Cute Picture of the Day

Isn't this the cutest dog ever?!

Have a good night!

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