Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 is  my first love. Which makes it kinda difficult because I've never been in love. But you know what? I'm perfectly fine with that. This post actually comes along at a perfect time because this is what we're talking about in my Individual and Family Development class. We had to write a paper answer about 15 questions about relationships and everything that goes along with them. In my opinion, Christians have to keep Christ at the center of their relationships. Everything a couple does should revolve around living a Christ-like life. One cannot be in a serious relationship without having a solid relationship with Christ as the foundation. Most 19 year old girls would be panicked that they hadn't been in love. But I'm not. One thing I've noticed about college girls is that they are obsessed with getting married. It seems like the only reason they are at college is to get a ring by Spring. For me, I'm just living my life for Christ the best I can. When He thinks I'm ready for that one guy to be in my life, He'll put him there. I have to have faith that God has it all under control.

In the paper, we had to write about what we want in a spouse. This made me realize that I have some pretty high standards. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I have to keep these standards in order for me not to settle with a guy I don't belong with. First off, he has to be Christian and he has to live as a man of Christ. That's the single most important thing. He also has to have a sense of humor and love sports. And my family has to love him. If I were seriously dating someone and my family didn't like him, that would be a serious dealbreaker. My family knows better than I do so if they see something wrong with the guy, they're probably right. This might be a little vain, but I would really really like it if he were taller than me. Just a little added bonus. 

So do me a favor will ya? If you happen to run across a tall, Christian guy that is funny and love sports, send my way and I would greatly appreciate it. :)

In the meantime, I'm gonna say this guy is my first love until the real one comes along.
This is Shemar Moore and in my opinion, he is one of the most attractive men alive. But that's just me.

I would normally post a funny picture but I don't want to take away from the greatness of Shemar. I just couldn't do that to him.
Have a great day!

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