Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 6

A Picture that makes me happy. 
I'm cheating and putting three. It's my blog so I can do that.

This pictures makes me smile everytime I see. This was taken at my moms birthday party this past August. We had a pinata and we were all taking turns hitting it. My aunt went up to hit it and something hilarious happened. For sake of her not hating me, I'm not gonna say. But we were all dying laughing. Literally, I thought I was gonna die cause I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. This also shows what happens just about everytime my mom, my aunt, and my grandma get together. Something will make them laugh and they will get the giggles. It literally happens everytime they're together. And once someone gets the giggles, it's all downhill from there. It's like a chain reaction and eventually we're all crying from laughing so hard. I love my family. :)
This is my kitty Darcy and he's my baby. I think this picture is adorable, but others have said he looks like a Gremlin. I just think it's cute how he's so close to the camera. Honestly, he's a pretty mean cat. But I love him. He has a personality like no other cat I know. But isn't he cute?! He talks too. When we wants out, he'll walk around the house and yell, not say, but yell "HELLLLOOOO!!!!" until we let him out. He's hilarious and I love him!
From left to right: My cousin Garrett, cousin Cory, Courtney, me, and my cousin Briana. We're all in my grandparents room at their house. There's no telling what we're doing in this picture but it makes me happy because it reminds me of growing up at Wawas house. We would run around doing the weirdest stuff together, but we always kept busy. Now, Cory is in Virginia so we don't see him as often, but the rest of us haven't changed much. When we're all together we have a great time and something always happens that leaves us with a memory

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