Monday, November 7, 2011

Heavy Heart

I haven't posted in about a week. I don't really have a good excuse and I've actually sat down to write a new post but I started writing and realized I really don't have much to say that's worth reading. I'm still kinda new to this blog thing and everytime I sit down, I think to myself, "Who am I to think that I'm so important that people want to read what I have to say?" So I took a break from it all.  But now I'm back so we'll see how it goes.

This past week, I can't even put into words how I felt about what was going on in Rockport. *Disclaimer:I'm not giving my opinion on the Judge Adams issue* It seemed like in a matter of days, Rockport had completely turned into this small town where everyone was fighting and there was tragedy happening every minute. I had to force myself to give up Facebook for a day or so because my whole news feed was filled with people fighting about things that they weren't even involved in. For me, Rockport taught me how to live my life. The town as a whole is very loving, welcoming, and just happy in general so it sickened me when I saw all this hatred coming out of it. Then, there were news crews filming people saying hateful things about our community and elected officials and it just made me so so so sad. I love my town and I absolutely hated to see it plastered on news shows for something that didn't represent Rockport at all. I want the world to see how completely amazing this town is. And in a matter of days, there were just so many things piling up on my small town. Yes, the whole Judge Adams situation is an awful situation, I think everyone will agree with that. But to me, it became so much more than that. The nation linking my town to this unfortunate situation killed me. Along with that, it caused everyone to fight and argue about the situation when in reality, they have no place in the situation at all. What good did it do to post a status and have 50 people argue about it? None. It helped nothing. The situation is still there. A family is still going through an awful time. And now, people are angry at each other. I think as Christians, we have a duty to sit back and realize we can't do anything about it but pray. We shouldn't be out there yelling at the courthouse and officials. We need to be praying for God to intervene on everything happening. 

Like I said, I'm not giving my opinion on the situation at all. I'm obviously not trying to start any discussion about it. I'm simply saying that my heart hurts for my town and the people suffering within it. 

If you get a chance, listen to the album "Roots Run Deep" by Jadon Lavik. This guy has an awesome sound and on this album, he has redone a lot of the old hymns. I seriously can't get enough of it. 

1 comment:

  1. Well worth reading, Erin. Very good thinking. The whole judge thing is so tragic prayer is the only thing we can do.
    We can do something to help the fire victims. Many people really jumped in to help immediately as it happened. And people are still asking, "What can I do?" Take heart in that, people here are just the same as they were, many very good people and as usual a few bad ones.
