Today is my brother Joey's 26th birthday. It slightly freaks me out that he's 26 but then I remember that I'm 20 so that does actually add up. Joey has always been a great older brother. Sure, he picked on me when I was little, but it was the type of teasing that big brothers are supposed to do to their little sisters. In honor of his birthday, I decided to tell yall about some things that Joey told me over the years that I, being a naive little girl, believed because my older and wiser brother told me they were true.
1. Joey convinced me when I was younger that I was adopted from the Cabbage Patch Kids. Maybe this is why I'm so interested in adoption now? Who knows. At the time, I could barely read. I had a birth certificate from one of my cabbage patch kid dolls. On the certificate, it had my name because I was the adoptive "parent." All I could really read was my name, "birth" and "Cabbage Patch Kids." I completely believed that I was adopted from the creepy Cabbage Patch Kids. He's lucky I turned out reasonably normal.
2. Joey also told me that whenever cows and horses were laying down on the ground, it meant they were going to die. Don't judge, but I believed this one WAY longer than I should have. He told me that since they were laying down, they wouldn't be able to get back up and therefore wouldn't be able to get to any food or water source. So if they were laying down, the end of their life was not far away. I vividly remember looking out the car window and seeing cows and horses in the fields laying down and being so sad for them! Those poor things were about to die!!!
Feel free to pay for my counseling whenever you would like.
3. I think out of everything Joey told me, this one was one of the most morbid ones. In Corpus, there is a statue of 2 people washing a car. I'm not sure what it's actually for, but it's been there as long as I can remember. One day while we were in Corpus, I decided to ask about it. Joey told me that two people had been washing their car in the parking lot and a plane flew over and dropped cement on them and they were trapped. Isn't that awful?! I seriously thought that there were actual humans trapped in that cement!
There are definitely more things that my loving brother told me over the years. There's probably still some things I believe because he told me. Maybe he was just trying to keep me young and naive as long as he could? While writing this, it makes me smile. It makes me happy to think that even though my brother is 6 years older than me, he still played with me and talked to me all the time. I'm sure I was annoying at times when I was younger so I probably deserved some of these stories, but they give me funny times to look back on. So happy 26th birthday Joey! I couldn't ask for a better brother.