Monday, December 5, 2011


I actually finished all my work so I'm just gonna do the dream post now cause I probably won't be posting anything else anytime soon. I mean, it's not like I have finals to study for or anything ;) Okay so this post is obviously about dreams. Me and Briana were talking about dreams last night and how weird they are. Like in our heads, a dream could last all night, but in reality, it might be in a span of 2 minutes. Dreams are just weird. Sometimes, dreams can be flat out scary. I've had 2 really scary dreams in my life that I still remember vividly. 

Dream 1
I was about 12 when this dream happened and I was still sharing a room with my sister at the time. I went to sleep and I thought I woke up, but in reality I was still dreaming. Everything was exactly like it was when I went to sleep. I could see Courtney asleep, the door was open, and everything was exactly how I left it. I saw this man walk to the end of the hallway where our room was on one side and my parents room was on the other. He looked into my parents room and saw that they were asleep, then peered into our room and looked directly at me. He walked into my room and started slowly walking directly towards me, never breaking eye contact. In my dream, I couldn't scream or even open my mouth to let out a noise. This man was walking towards me in my own room and I could do nothing about it. In reality, I was screaming bloody murder. Right as this man was about a foot from my bed and within arm reach, my parents finally woke me up. Apparently, I had been screaming and they couldn't wake me up. It was seriously one of the scariest moments in my life. I think the thing that scared me the most was that I could do absolutely nothing to defend myself or let someone else in the house know he was there. I was completely frozen. Talking about it literally makes me tear up because it still freaks me out. I can still see him to this day walking towards me and me not being able to do anything about it. For days, I was scared to death to go back to sleep because everytime I closed my eyes I would see him walking towards me. Obviously, I'm fine now and nothing else like that has ever happened thank goodness. But his face is forever burned into my brain and I know that if I ever see this guy on the street or something(which I'm convinced I someday will), that I will immediately know it's him. 

Dream 2
This dream was when I was little, probably about 6-7. In my dream, I would wake up and walk out of my room. I would go to our back sliding glass door and it would be open. *keep in mind, we have a big back yard that backs up to a pasture* I look back into the yard and there would be this really scary wolf thing running full speed towards me. It was just a normal wolf. It was a wolf that was out to kill me, I could tell. The wolf would run full speed towards me and as soon as it was about 5 feet from the open back door, I would slam the door shut and leave only a few inches of glass between the me and the killer wolf. This dream would show up everytime I went to sleep for about a week or two. 

Don't worry, I also have funny dreams but obviously, they don't stick with me like the scary ones do. I guess dreams just kinda weird me out. I don't really understand how they work, but I don't think I really wanna know. 

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