Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sports. And some other stuff.

First off, how bout those New York Giants?! I love Eli Manning, especially over Tom Brady so I was super excited when they won. As most of yall know, I am a huge sports fan. I've tried putting my love for sports into words and I just can't. Just know I love it. And I love the Manning family. The Superbowl is an awkward few hours for me though. Obviously, I want to watch the game, I mean, that's the whole point right? But I also have to watch the commercials. Then, there's the Puppy Bowl which is too cute not to watch. So I'm flipping back and forth and sacrificing some of the commercials to watch the puppies, but then when am I supposed to go to the bathroom?! Normally, that's what commercial breaks are for, but that's not the case here. It takes some major prioritizing I'll tell you that much. Did anyone else think the commercials were kinda lame this year? There were a few that were decent and some were even funny, but a lot of them were just plain dumb. I have to admit, I laughed out loud at the M&M commercial that was played early on in the game. There's a good chance it wasn't all that funny though. I tend to think things are funnier than they really are. Oh well. 

Oh a more serious note, I'm sure most of yall have seen the news about Josh Hamilton. Knowing Josh Hamilton's testimony, I have the utmost respect for him. After reading his book over Christmas break, I respected him even more. He has such an crazy history and he uses that to bring people to Christ. When I was sitting at my desk on Thursday watching the news, the anchor reported that Josh had relapsed. My heart sank immediately. I was heartbroken. I felt like it was my own brother that had relapsed. It absolutely killed me to hear that he was struggling again. I wasn't mad or disappointed in him. I was sad for him. I kept in mind that no one was saying how much he drank or the circumstances of the whole situation. But I knew that if he had drank alcohol, there was a bigger problem than just alcohol. He was battling something within. Immediately, there were people all over the media belittling him and use his relapse against him and against him and Christianity. I realize that these people are going to find something wrong in him no matter what he does, but when they belittle him over this, they obviously don't understand the grace of God. And Josh realizes that he messed up. I read a report the next day that said he wasn't drunk, he just a had a few beers. Now, I realize that by AA standards, that is a relapse, but it wasn't a relapse like he had in 2009. He shouldn't have even gone in the bar, but he did. I have faith that Josh will be fine and he won't let this set him back. When he first had addiction problems, he couldn't overcome it alone. That's the difference in this relapse. He has Christ to get him through it. He's not working through it alone. I realize that all this may sound completely ridiculous because I don't know him on a personal level and he doesn't even know that I exist, but I know he will get through it and put it in his past. He lost A battle but the didn't lose THE war.

Now, here comes the"and some other stuff" part of the blog. I'm starting to think that only about 20% of men actually respect women nowadays. There's one situation that exemplifies this though. I was walking back to my dorm after playing tennis last week so obviously I wasn't in my cutest outfit with my hair all pretty and whatnot. I'm walking through a parking lot and this Lil Wayne lookalike walks up to me and says, "Hey gurl, you lookin fine, danggg." Excuse me? Did you seriously just say this? Now, him being a lil Wayne lookalike makes no difference, it just kinda gives you a mental image. I would be reacting the same way if a scrawny little white guy said it to me. Anywho, do guys really think that when they say that I'm just gonna run up and hug them and start planning our wedding? No. Had they say, "Excuse me, you're really pretty. Can I possibly take you on a date some night," they would've at least gotten a second thought. I'm not asking to arrange a dowry or anything, just a little more than "Hey gurl, you lookin fine." Have a little respect gentlemen. It will get you further in life.
And then I remind myself of this little quote: 

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