Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Okay just being honest here, but I'm bored with my blog. If I'm bored, that means yall are probably bored. Sorry about that. While I was not paying attention in political science yesterday, I was thinking of ways to make my blog a little more interesting. I decided I'm gonna answer ANY questions yall ask me. Within reason haha. On the blog, you can comment anonymously so I won't even know who asked me the question. Which could be a very dangerous thing, but I'm giving yall the benefit of the doubt. You could also put it in a comment on my Facebook. Then I'll answer questions in a blog post. I kind of have this fear that no one is going to actually ask questions and then it'll just be embarrassing. If no one asks, I'll just end up deleting this whole post and that would just be awkward for all of us. It'd be like inviting 100 people to a birthday party and no one showing up, it's just a tad depressing and embarrassing. So ask away people!

If yall are looking for some new music, I've got just the right band!! Jenny and Tyler played at chapel today and once last semester and they're awesome. They're a young married couple and pretty much the cutest things ever.  The music is on itunes so feel free to buy away!! Or you can go here and sign up for the mailing list to get 7 of their songs for free!

Start asking the questions and save me from embarrassment please :)


  1. I don't really have a question because I know you pretty well. I just didn't want yor party to have no guests! BTW, you live life "without a net.". I don't know why you think you live in fear.

  2. What was your favorite childhood memory?? :)

  3. Do you make your bed every day? Did you have to when you were growing up?

  4. When you think of a young couple today, one that intends to get married under God and spend their life together, what in your mind defines their relationship as pure?

    Do you see many couples that fit this definition?

  5. See? It's intimidating trying to come up with junk to talk about every day. What's a little restaurant/hang out/little known spot that you've found and love to visit in Waco?

  6. Wondering if you stood us up for this party? 5 people showed up! But where oh where is our hostess with the mostess??

  7. Hostess with the mostess? Dina, you crack me up! I'm giving people a few days to ask questions. Apparently, about 30ish people have read my post and only yall have commented so I'm giving them some time to come to their senses! Plus, I have a test tomorrow morning that I've been studying all day for. So, I suppose if you want me to fail then I can answer a question ;)

  8. Is it too late to play? What is your favorite book, movie, and tv show. And why?
