Sunday, August 26, 2012

Restoration and Frustration

Everyone always talks about how evil our society is and how selfish people are. Think about it. How many times a day do you come in contact with someone and think,"Man, they were really rude" or "Seriously lady? You're gonna treat me like that?" Everyone once in awhile, I come in contact with people that restore my faith in humanity. Let me make this clear though, I don't think humanity is evil. Are there people that are awful? Sure. But overall, I have hope for mankind. This past week, I had 2 separate experiences that made me so stinkin happy. First off, I had been having problems with my phone. The battery only lasted about an hour and then it wouldn't charge. I went to the Sprint store here in town and was definitely frustrated. A super nice guy helped me out and told me my phone would be ready in a couple hours and it would be fixed(for a small fee). So I come back, pick up my phone and thank the nice guy for solving my problem. I go home and plug it in. Guess what. It won't charge. So annoying! I head back to the Sprint store for the 3rd time that day. I walk in and head straight for the guy that helped me the last two times. I tell him it STILL isn't charging. He suggests that maybe it's my charger but I had tried it on multiple chargers. So he takes it over to his own charger and plugs it in. I tell him, "If that phone starts charging, I might cry." "Do you want me to get you some tissues?" he says in a joking matter. Of course it would charge on his charger and not on me. Then he says, "look, just take this charger so you don't have to buy a new one." "Seriously? Just take it?" I say to him. "Yea, you can just have it. No charge. You have a great day and Sic em Bears." He just came me his charger! Granted, it's just a charger. But still, it saved me 30 bucks! Made me happy that he was so nice!

Fast forward 2 days.

I drop my car off for an oil change and inspection. About 30 minutes after dropping it off, I get a call saying my car was rejected. My car does not get rejected, people! Apparently, a car can't pass inspection if there's condensation in the headlight. *sidenote* every mechanic I've talked to since then, has said this was bogus. So here it is, 9 days before my inspection sticker expires and I'm told that the only way to be street legal in 9 days is to pay 493 to replaces the whole fixture. Well that's a sticky situation. It just so happened that Briana's car was at a different mechanic in town getting some work done and she needed to pick her car up. These guys have always been super nice to her so I figured I would ask them what they thought. Long story somewhat short, they fixed my light so I could pass inspection and you know how much it cost. NOTHING!  I had 4 guys working on my car to fix it and then told me that they weren't going to charge me. They saved me 500 dollars! It just makes me so happy when people are so nice like that. Makes me realize that despite what everyone says, there are still good people out there.

In case you weren't aware, college is hard. I decided last semester that I was going to take Greek for my foreign language. When I got to class on Monday, we hit the ground running. I was doing 3-4 hours of Greek homework everyday. After lots of  consideration, I decided to drop the class. Actually, I haven't dropped it yet, but I am in the morning. I knew that once the semester got going, I wasn't going to be able to keep up with 4 hours of Greek everyday plus all my other classes. I absolutely hate hate hate that I'm having to drop the class. It frustrates me to no end that I'm having to give up on Greek. But God has a plan right?

Listen to this song, it's pretty great. 

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