Every once and awhile, I like to just post some facts about myself. If you know me really well, you probably already know the majority of these. However, some of these are little known facts. Also, don't judge me for the facts. If you love me, you love my weirdness as well.
1. Each night before I go to sleep, I look in each of the three closets in my room. I'm not sure why I even bother looking because if there were something/someone in one of them, I sure couldn't do anything about it.
2. I really really want a tattoo, but I will never get one.
3. I feel the need to control things. Whether it be just doing things myself, driving, or controlling a situation, I want to be the one doing it. When something is out of my control, it makes me uneasy.
4. I'm the most well-behaved rebellious person you will ever meet.
5. I'm really competitive.
6. I'm a "fixer." If you're talking to me about a problem, by instinct, I want to tell you exactly what you need to do to fix your problem. I realize that this is one of my not so good personality traits, so I'm working on it. Just because I think something would work, that doesn't mean it will work for you.
7. I carry a permanent marker in my purse in case I run into someone famous. I just realized though that autographs might be outdated. Now, everyone just takes a picture. Oh well, I'll be prepared!
8. I cannot handle raw meet. Holding any type of raw meat just grosses me out. I blame it on getting a raw chicken burger at Sonic one time. When I saw raw, I mean RAW. As in, the chicken was still glossy looking. Barf.
9. I believe with all my heart that I'm called to work with families. However, I've recently discovered that I have a heart for teenage girls as well.
10. I refuse to look out the window at night. I'm terrified that one night, I'll look out the window and someone will pop their head up and look back at me.
I hope you still want to be friends with me after learning all this. Remember, you love me. That includes loving my weirdness.