Sometimes, the world just makes me sad. I'm not talking about the "Man, I wish things were better" type of sad. I mean sad as in heartbreaking. Overwhelming. Disheartening.
On Monday, I was sitting in class looking at Facebook (sorry, Dr.Weaver) and I literally almost started crying. I don't want to get into politics. Mainly because I've noticed a majority of people on my facebook thinking very differently than I do on certain topics. However, it's my blog so I can discuss what I want to discuss :)
The Texas governor made a decision that I didn't agree with. This broke my heart. It broke my heart to think about the people that fleeing from their homes with literally nothing in the hopes of staying alive. The think "if we can only get to ______ then someone will help us." So they get to America and what happens? All states in the south say no. They say no to helping the "least of these."
The Texas governor made a decision that I didn't agree with. This broke my heart. It broke my heart to think about the people that fleeing from their homes with literally nothing in the hopes of staying alive. The think "if we can only get to ______ then someone will help us." So they get to America and what happens? All states in the south say no. They say no to helping the "least of these."
Then, I get on Facebook and find people cheering for this decision. Not only were people cheering, but they were ecstatic at the fact that America would not help them.
"Send them to another country so they can bomb them instead."
"We should just be killing them as they come into the country before they can kill us."
"Send them home to fight."
"Why should we help them?"
We help them because they are human and have no where else to go. We are saying no to those that Jesus specifically told us to help. And why? Because they're a different religion? Because they're from a different country? That's not how it works!
That's the part the made me sad. The responses from people that I call friends and family. It was something that I hadn't experienced before. A sadness and heartbreak that hit so close to home that I was overwhelmed with it all.
Maybe this is a stretch, but when people talk about the refugees, I think of the clients at my work. The lady and her two babies that I had to pick up at the ER because her husband had assaulted her. The woman who had no where to go. She was scared, her life was in danger, and she only had the things she could grab as she ran out the door. SOMEONE has to help those people. Stepping into the lives of people who are in need and broken opens our eyes to the pain of all kinds of others.
So right now, I'm just really discouraged and disheartened with the people in the world. Everyone from those that commit acts of terror such as ISIS to hateful and closeminded people on my newsfeed. I open social media and I see more things that make me sad than those that make me happy. I'm heartbroken by the people of the world and I'm not sure that that is something I can come to terms with.
However, I'm not sure I'm supposed to come to terms with it. The book of John tells us, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this
world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Jesus is more than all of this. Jesus will overcome when I can't. His love will win.