Saturday, June 28, 2014


I posted this article about a month ago on my Facebook page. After it was up for about 2 days, I was asked by someone to take it down. It seems that some people that I'm friends with on Facebook thought I was posting it so they would read it. Being the peacemaker and people pleaser that I am, I removed the article from my page. However, I really regret doing that. When I originally posted the article, I knew a few things:
  1. it was a dang good article that had some amazing points in it.
  2. it was theologically sound.
  3. I wasn't posting it hoping that specific people would read it.
  4. I needed to read the article as much as anyone else.
So, I'm posting it on my blog as I compromise. I hope you read the article and I hope God teaches you something through it. However, you may not agree with me. But believe it or not, not everyone has to agree on things and that is okay! There's this mindset on social media that if you don't agree with something that is posted, then you have to get mad that person. This should not be the case! You can simply disagree with someone and the discussion ends there. I feel like I need to start singing "Why can't we be friends." But seriously, just know your opinion on the issue and move on. 

You can find the article here:

Like I said, I hope God speaks to you as you read this article. I would love to hear your opinion on it...but not on Facebook. I have this track record of posting something innocently thinking that it's not gonna be a big deal and then everything ends up blowing up. So, like I said I would love to hear your opinion but maybe send me a message on Facebook or comment on the actual blog :)