Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I'm super frustrated with people right now. Most people on my Facebook are frustrated because Obama just got reelected. That isn't what I'm frustrated about. I'm frustrated with people. I'm frustrated with hate. I figure I can rant on my blog and I can get away with it. Yall have a choice at whether you read it or not so I'm gonna type what I think.

1. This is America. Have pride in that, people! Do you understand how great our country is? It doesn't matter who is in office(unless it's a drastic, killing, tyrant of course), you need to stick with your country. Stay loyal to the United States of America. Just because you don't agree with who is in office, you threaten to leave to a different country. What good will that do? Will you prove a point by moving? No.

2. It is NEVER okay to wish death upon someone. I don't care if you hate Obama, it is awful, sick, and disgusting to wish that he gets assassinated. Not even just Obama, it's awful to wish that anyone gets assassinated. Personally, I think that is one of worst things someone can think about someone else. You should never wish death upon someone because of the political office they hold.

3. Have faith in Christ, not in our government. In my opinion, getting soooooo worked up about who is president shows lack of faith in our all powerful God. Christ will take care of us. Who are we to not agree with His plan? 

I saw this on Facebook and I really like it. Things like this stand out among all the arguing. "God has been the one to supply all our needs. He has given all of us the ability to work hard and to take care of our families, it is not up to the government to do that. So keep your eyes on Jesus, draw close to Him and be diligent about handling your finances correctly and God will watch over all our needs."

As Christians, we need to pray for whoever is in office, whether you want them there or not. Pray for them to have wisdom, discernment, and for Christ to guide them. Regardless of who is in office, don't stop praying.