I decided to put the last 3 questions into one post. I'm sorry I'm so incredibly boring, yall. I can't help it!!
Question: Do you make your bed every day? Did you have to when you were growing up?
That would be a negative :/ Sorry to disappoint! I'm not a morning person AT ALL. Briana tells me I give some nasty looks when I first wake up. Growing up, it took me forever to get out of bed so I was pretty much always running late. I was lucky if I was looking decent by the time I left the house, let alone with my bed made. Now, I make it on average one a week. It doesn't really bother me until the covers are all bunched up at my feet, then I have to make it. Or if we have friends or family coming into town, I have to make them think my room looks nice and pretty all the time so I have to make my bed.
Question: What's a little restaurant/hang out/little known spot that you've found and love to visit in Waco?
That would definitely be Common Grounds. It's the awesome little coffeeshop right by campus. From my dorm, it literally takes 2 minutes to walk there. They have all kinds of yummy drinks but the atmosphere is really what makes the place so awesome. They have open mic night and also have artists come in and play. For instance, Phil Wickham played there on Saturday night. A lot of people go there to study, but I get really distracted people watching so I can't study there. But it's an awesome place!
Question: When you think of a young couple today, one that intends to get married under God and spend their life together, what in your mind defines their relationship as pure? Do you see many couples that fit this definition?
Whoah. This question is a lot deeper than I expected but it's all good! I've been thinking of ways to answer this and not be awkward or make anyone uncomfortable, so hopefully I answer it in a decent way. I think the first question can be answered in a fairly simple way. If a couple wants to get married under God and wants to remain pure, don't have sex. That's pretty much all it comes down. I don't think there really is another way to answer that, and if you disagree, feel free to discuss it with me. I'm open to hear other thoughts! The second question is a little more difficult. When I have my blinders on, I look around and get really discouraged about the number of people that fit this description. Then, I open my eyes and look closely at the Godly people around me, and I see that there are still couples that are remaining pure until marriage. For the majority of the time, it is really discouraging because I know how people my age are. In one of my classes last year, we learned that 97% of people have had sex before they get married and with Christians, it only goes down to 92%. This kinda freaked me out. I've made the decision to remain pure until marriage. So when I saw this statistic, I was a little discouraged that I would never find this Godly man that has made the same decision as I have. But it is God, so I think He's got it under control :) I'm not quite sure I really answered the second question very well so I'll try to sum it up. Looking at the world as a whole, no, not very many couples fit this description. But looking at just Christians, yes, I think there are a pretty good number of couples that choose to remain pure.
Props to this anonymous person, it was a really good question.
This is kind of along the same lines, but I just love this quote. I'm a sucker for a boy that loves his momma. If he can't treat his mom with respect, how is he gonna treat me with respect?
Oh!! I just remembered a story I just have to share. For my Child Development class, we have to go to a development center that is run by Baylor and just play with the kids. Technically, we're supposed to be observing them, but we really just play with them. It's pretty awesome. Anywho, I was with the two year olds this past week. I was sitting on the playground and this little boy named Keaton came and sat on my lap because he was cold. This other girl came up and was sitting with us. I have a charm on my bracelet that is a heart with a cross carved out of the middle. Tatum, the little girl, asked me, "Why do you have a T in your heart?" I told her it wasn't a T, it was a cross. She insisted it looked like a T. That's when Keaton chimed in and said, "Tatum, it's a cross. It means Jesus." OH MY GOODNESS. That little boy just made my heart melt. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. It makes me so excited to have a career that involves moments like this!
I hope yall have a good week! I have 2 tests this week, 1 test next week then SPRING BREAK!!!! So pumped!